46, Charlotte Square, Edinburgh EH2 4HQ
t : 0131 220 0015 | f : 0131 226 3323
All parties connected with this website and associated particulars have made every reasonable attempt to ensure that the information presented is as accurate, correct and up-to-date as possible. These details are for information and guideline purposes only. Prospective purchasers must satisfy themselves as to their accuracy. We do comply with the Property Misdescriptions Act 1991 and as such make every effort not to supply misleading information. However, no details can be assumed as being fully correct, nor do they form any part of any contract whatsoever, nor are they a statement of fact.
Sundial Properties Limited reserve the right to adjust, amend or remove any information without notice.
Photography contained within this web site can be from a previous development and is for information purposes only and therefore cannot be assumed to be accurate from any point in time.
Floor plans and measurements whilst believed to be correct are for information purposes only and there may be some discrepancy from time to time. Sundial Properties Limited therefore disclaim any liability as to their accuracy and any purchaser must satisfy themselves
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